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What’s your name? Maysa
How old are you? 25
What do you do? I’m a university student, in my last year.
Where are you? Home
How did we met? In the wonderful world of dance
Describe your style. Given the chance, I’d wear dresses all year long, lol, but generally casual and feminine.
Now Playing. Princesa mia – Jalil (Bachata)
Quote you live by:
The lyrics to Beyonce’s song – I was here
Describe your hair type? Super curly(coils), thin, medium length, naturally black.
Tell us a little about your hair history and what made you decide to go natural?
As a kid, I used to braid my hair, until I learned of the magic of straightening. It was always too much work though and never lasted for long. Then one of my older cousins whose hair is the same as mine, introduced me to hair gels, and since I lived in a hot and humid environment at the time (Abu Dhabi), my hair could handle my use of it on a daily basis. I had also dyed it a few times, which must have caused the thinning. The first summer that I moved back here (Toronto), the gel killed my hair (and then some), so I had to find something else to use, and that something had to have a ton of moisturizing properties. In comes leave-in conditioning J
Describe your hair regime.
Before washing, ideally I would use Parachute Extra Nourishment Hair Cream. It’s an Indian hair cream that I’ve been using since my middle school days and is by far the best prewash moisturiser ever. I would leave it in anywhere between 5min and 3ish hours before washing. Otherwise, I use Moroccan oil which seems to give my hair a ton of volume, post-washing.
I don’t shampoo more than twice a month or so, unless:
- I’ve been using the Moroccan oil more than twice a week, or
- If I have used hair products other than my norm – like if get my hair straightened at a salon.
Conditioner: Pantene! J I find that it lathers the most, and so use either:
Pantene Pro-V Curly Hair Series Moisture Renewal Conditioner (for curly hair)
Color Hair Solutions Color Preserve Shine Conditioner (for dyed hair)
Pantene Pro-V Normal-Thick Hair Solutions Smooth Conditioner (for fine hair)
If I don’t have Pantene, I use any of the Herbal Essences conditioners. Then, with the conditioner lathered, I comb my hair in the shower.
After I’ve washed it out, I use a towel to lightly pat down excess water. Then I apply Herbal Essences None of Your Frizziness Smoothing Leave in Creme throughout. Afterwards, I dab a bit of a hair protector straightening serum (aloe enriched) onto my hand and spread it onto the top layer of my hair, to the ends. Then I blow dry the top layer of my hair for about 1-2minutes *upside down*.
As for the rest of my hair? I let it all air dry naturally however it wants to J
After I’ve slept on the hair, it tends to have ridiculous volume, so I either use a hair straightener (and some straightening serum) to calm the front down, tie it up in a messy ponytail, or brave the world and let it do its thing.
How do you normally style your hair?
I mostly let it down, but sometimes I tie it in a side ponytail, or clip the top half up.
On special occasions I make sure to use more of my moisturisers (both pre and post wash), and on rare occasions, I either completely straighten it or let it dry in curlers to soften the curls.
Who is your hair icon? One of my older cousins – Fahima.
What was your Momma’s best kept hair secret? Using curlers – letting my hair dry in them turns them into the softest and lightest curls ever!
The one hair product you couldn’t live without. Herbal Essences Leave-In Conditioner… every couple of years they change the packaging and name, but without it, I wouldn’t know what to do with my hair.
Mistakes that you’ve learned from.
Gel – NEVER again, lol…
What’s the best thing about being curly? It makes me stand out. J
Any advice for ‘dem curls out there?
Everybody wants what they don’t have – you might as well appreciate what you do have, and work it! J
Social Media: Facebook: Maysa Tani
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