Live each day to the fullest. Live each day like it’s your last.
What’s your name? Kimberly Ramos
How old are you? 23
What do you do? Student. Work. Dance. Party. Live
Where are you? At home lounging around in my PJs.
How did we met? Social dancing at formally known Acrobats. Then became friends dancing for LGP!! Ye ye!!
Describe your style.
Oh man, my style is a bit of a mix. I am a little girly, a little grungy and edgy, kind of a play on 80s and 90s styles. I’m also pretty open to playing around with different things when it comes to my style and choice of outfits. I mix with colours, prints, textures. I simply love experimenting.
Now Playing: Keith Sweat- Make you Sweatàmy itunes was on shuffle, don’t judge me lol
Quote you live by: Live each day to the fullest. Live each day like it’s your last.
Describe your hair type? Curly and super thick.
Tell us a little about your hair history and what made you decide to go natural?
When I was younger I was not a fan of my curls. Since my mom doesn’t have curly hair, or my type of hair, it was always hard to understand why I had to deal with soooo much hair, and such tough textured hair. Since I was unable to understand how to manage my hair, relaxers were my best friends. And my hair stylist would always relax my hair, and straighten it.
For as long as I could remember, I only ever wore my hair down when it was straight, and even then when it was relaxed, I was never happy with the way my hair would cascade down. The biggest problem I had was the A line, and I hated that, so instead I resorted to always putting it up, and put a crazy amount of gel and hairspray.
Because I used to tie it so tight, I got to a point where I was starting to create a receding hairline, since I would constantly brush and slick back my hair and tie it really tight. It wasn’t until about 6 years ago that I decided to start working with my hair, and a couple years prior to that that I stopped relaxing my hair. Nonetheless, I started colouring my hair around 6 years ago, and that is one thing I can say I have not stopped doing. I have done every possible shade, from reds, to browns, to blonds, to crazy highlights etc.
Even though, I was starting to understand more how to manage my hair, I was still not happy with the texture, and how even if I did treatments, like olive oil, mayo, or honey based, the frizz just never stopped plaguing me. I started reading up on different treatments, and about a year or so back, made the move to a salon called Curl Ambassadors.
Moving to this salon was the best decision I could have ever made, because it was then that I became familiar with the things I had been doing wrong. I started to cut out all the products that were doing nothing more for my hair other then drying it out. I switched to natural and organic products one step at a time. Through trial and error, I started understanding what products I liked, and which ones gave me the best results.
I can say now, that in the past year, I have come to love and appreciate my curls, and the changes I have seen in the moisture of my hair, the texture, and the over all look of it. Before, I used to hate when my hair used to get like a “house” or “lion’s mane”, and I would do everything to avoid it, now I can say with a smile that there is no other way for my hair, its go big or go home!
Describe your hair regime.
Describe your hair regime.
Products I use in rotation:
Pure Moroccan Argan Oil
Pure shea butter, or macadamia nut leave-conditioners.
Kinky curly products specificall: Kinky Curly Knot Today and Kinky Curly Curling Custard
When I shampoo I clean only the scalp and allow for the rest of the hair to be cleaned by the residue that falls from washing my scalp. When I condition, I put conditioner all over my hair, wait a couple of minutes and then wash out. With my leave in, I apply it in the shower with my hair soaking wet, and in sections, while curling the sections with my finger.
To style, I apply the product I am using at the time, just a little bit, since the leave in is in most cases enough, and then I apply the product with the hair still wet, and I try to make sure I don’t disturb the natural curl pattern by following the curls.
How do you normally style your hair?
How do you normally style your hair?
My hair is pretty much always down, and free. Parted to the right side and that is all. I also love the classic top bun for the days before I wash my hair, and want to change it up.
On special occasions, I like to put my hair half up, or do a nice up-do.
I loveeee my hair long, I have been wearing it long for many years now, and it is how I prefer it to be. It hits around my mid to lower back, and I couldn’t be happier with the length.
Who is your hair icon? Haven’t though about it. I don’t think I have an icon.
What was your Momma’s best kept hair secret? My mom doesn’t really have any, as I have taught her over the years what I have learned about hair care.
The one hair product you couldn’t live without. Pure Moroccan Argan Oil What was your Momma’s best kept hair secret? My mom doesn’t really have any, as I have taught her over the years what I have learned about hair care.
What’s the best thing about being curly?
What I love most about being curly is the freedom it allows. Your hair is so much more expressive when it is curly, and even when you feel its at its worst, it has more personality then straight hair.
Social Media:
Twitter: kimstaaa
FB: Kimberly R
Instagram: Kimstaaa
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