December 24, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Going forward into the New Year, remember: 

1. Be kind. Everyone is fighting some kind of battle when in doubt be kinder than necessary.

2. Practice gratitude.

3. Love. To love is to be free.

4. is too short to be angry.

I'm not one for new years resolutions because I think that you should treat everyday like a new year and resolve to be your best all year round. But since most people do set goals, I wanted to give some food for thought. Also remember that YOU DESERVE every bit of love, success and happiness. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, because for every 60 seconds you're angry you lose one minute of happiness. In the coming year, let the world know why you're here....and do it with a passion.

Peace. Love. and Happiness.
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Merry Christmas!

It's that time of year again: Christmas!

As the years progress, it is no longer about the mad dash shopping trips, or the gifts, or the boxing day deals. I haven't done ANY shopping this year. It's all about the love this time around (and has been super crazy).

My favourite part of Christmas is the time I get to spend with my family. I LOVE Christmas dinner. It's my favourite part of the holiday. Our whole family gets together and we eat, drink and be merry!

So in the spirit, I share with you a photo from last years Christmas dinner:

Merry Christmas!

We are not posing...we're just generally dysfunctional LOL
I also don't know why my sister is holding my foot...
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Hug and Touchers

So this post is dedicated to the the "Hug and Touch" and all those "Hug and Touchers" out there!

So how do you know when you've encountered a Hug and Toucher?

A hug and toucher is fascinated with your hair. You can see them eyeing it from across the room. They likely already know you, but it is not uncommon to meet someone for the first time and have them be a hug and toucher.

When they come up to say hello and go in for a hug, their hands end up in your hair (referred to as the Hug and Touch). And not just a light touch, but there's some scrunching action...and what could be mistaken as a head rub. You will likely be taken by surprise but not to worry they are not dangerous. Just fascinated.

The hug lasts slightly longer than the normal 2-3 seconds (due to the hands in the hair) and it is a normal to feel uncomfortable.

The hug and toucher often ends with :"I love your hair!"... "It's so soft!" ...or "Sorry, I couldn't help myself!"

Last week, I ran into 3 hug and touchers. It happens so often now, it doesn't even phase me. But for all you hug and touchers out there: If you must scrunch, please, BE GENTLE as to not mess up the curl pattern!

Take care,


Peace. Love. & Hugs.


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It's shea butter! Actually...PSYCH: It's petrolatum.

Now, we've all done it. Gone into the beauty supply store and gravitated towards the prettiest container or to the one that captures our attention:

".....Contains Shea Butter!....."

"....with Natural Oils!"

"....with added Argan Oil!..."

Excited by promises of natural oils and butters, that will promote healthy hair growth....well...PSYCH!! Many companies promise the world in order to get you to purchase their product, but when you read the ingredient list, there are next to no natural ingredients listed. The words are there to grab your's called Marketing.

It's important to read beyond the label, and look at the ingredients. You may be surprised at what you find...

Things to Avoid:

1. Lanolim, Petrolatum and Mineral Oil - these are cheap fillers that are commonly used in many hair products and offer no true moisturizing benefits. I repeat, they DO NOT moisturize the hair. They form a barrier on the hair shaft (contributing to product build up), and seal moisture out. Not to mention it clogs your pores and can contribute to dandruff and scalp issues.

2. Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate (SLS) - used in products that have foaming qualities (i.e., shampoo). It strips the hair of natural oils leaving it dry and brittle. It can also irritate the scalp.

3. Alcohol (i.e., ethonol, propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol)- Products with alcohol can dry out your hair. 

I could go on about all the bad ingredients found in many "natural" hair products, but the list could go on for a while. I've listed some major ones. Generally, my rule of thumb is that if I can't pronounce, or don't know what it is then it's probably not good for my hair.

What to Look For?

Look for natural ingredients like oils and butters (i.e., coconut oil, shea butter, jojoba, castor) and do your research before you purchase. Understand what's in your favourite products and what you're putting on your hair. It's important to be a smart shopper :)

Until next time!

J -

Peace. Love. Summer.

(Yes, summer....please come back soon!)
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